
Breaking News: Obama looking to oust Consumer safety chief over Drywall flap

In a telling piece that shows just how serious the government is taking this Chinese drywall issue, President Barack Obama is looking to remove the current chairwoman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission Nancy Nord.

The Herald Tribune reports

President Barack Obama intends to remove the current chairwoman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission — an agency that has been criticized for its slow response to the Chinese drywall and other issues — as lawmakers look for another $2 million in emergency funding aimed at the growing problem.

Obama announced Tuesday that he would nominate Inez Moore Tenenbaum to replace Nancy Nord, a former Eastman Kodak Co. lobbyist who has been criticized for her ties to industry.

Tenenbaum is a former state education commissioner from South Carolina who ran for the Senate in 2004 and who practiced law and worked for the state House.

This shows the issue is extremely crucial and something for home and property owners to look into immediately to make sure they are on top of any contaminated buildings and any damage that may exist. Make sure to browse this blog’s Chinese Drywall archive to find out more information about Chinese drywall and to know your rights on the issue. If you need legal advice regarding your drywall or any other property damage or structural irregularity you feel is not your fault, contact the Berniard Law Firm immediately.

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