
CBS News details FEMA’s “Toxic Bureaucracy”

In a surprisingly candid and clear report on FEMA and its efforts post-Katrina, CBS News released a story on the 25th detailing what Slidell mayor Ben Morris calls “an indescribable nightmare that most people would not believe.”


CBS News has learned that since January 1, nearly 80 employment-related complaints have been filed by staff at the office.

And in the last year, more than 30 complaints have been filed against one man – chief of staff Doug Whitmer – including charges of sexual harassment.

“The harassment, the equal rights – violations that are currently taking place over there, this office is slowing down the recovery in this region.” said one former FEMA employee.

And slowing down the recovery – these former employees charge – is exactly what some senior managers at the New Orleans FEMA office want.

Obviously this is a huge problem for the Gulf Coast but is a reality, and perhaps not so shocking, for those individuals who had their homes destroyed in Katrina and other hurricanes in the past few years. With FEMA appearing to be in disarray, it is ever important that residents remain vigilant on meeting deadlines or expectations put forth by the government and insurance companies in order to do everything they can to not be swept up in the apparent bureaucracy that is holding up the recovery effort.

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