
Chinese drywall investigation progressing

Over the weekend, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel’s William Gibson reported progress is being made on an investigation into Chinese drywall and its toxic health effects:

Congressmen Robert Wexler and Mario Diaz-Balart persuaded the House to approve a measure this week that directs the secretaries of housing and treasury to study the effect of tainted drywall on home mortgages and property insurance.

”Parents who have found Chinese drywall in their homes and wish to leave out of concern for the safety and health of their children are facing the dilemma of how to find secondary housing and maintain their mortgages on their primary residences,” said Wexler, D-Boca Raton. “In addition, the values of these homes in most cases have plummeted due to this tainted drywall.”
The House added the measure to a mortgage-reform bill, which passed the House on Thursday 300 to 114. The bill now goes to the Senate.

The congressmen also seek $2 million of emergency money for the Consumer Product Safety Commission to investigate problems with Chinese drywall.

”This is an important issue that affects not only the residents of southern Florida but also thousands of homeowners nationwide,” said Diaz-Balart, R- Miami. “Chinese drywall presents a serious health hazard of great concern and is resulting in homeowners walking away from their homes.”

Obviously a governmental inquiry is going to be monumental progress to finding out just how dangerous these materials are and what effects they have on our homes and families. Further, it shows that the government is stepping up efforts to not only investigate issues but also protect consumers from hazardous products from abroad. Hopefully the Senate will pass this solidly and progress can be made in finding out just what is going on with this toxic building material.

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