
Chinese drywall seminar coming to New Orleans in July

A seminar dealing with the Chinese drywall fiasco going on across the Gulf Coast will be held July 31, 2009, in New Orleans, LA. Feating a host of speakers dealing with a wide assortment of issues relating to the Chinese drywall issue, the conference is billed as “a practical, one-day seminar for attorneys, engineers, architects and contractors” looking to explain health effects property damage, exploring claims and litigatory issues, demonstrating strategies for the matter and discussing the various complexities of the cases.

The Berniard Law Firm’s own Jeffrey Berniard will present on the matter of “Exploring Potential Liability for Damages Caused by Chinese Drywall Problems” with fellow attorney Scott Wolfe of the Wolfe Law Group. The lecture will cover matters relating to what parties are facing potential liability exposure, theories of recovery for construction defects, defenses and crossclaims and damages.

As part of the seminar, various different learning credits are available for participating professionals as part of continued learning education requirements. This includes 5.0 approved CLE hours for attorneys from the states of Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas.

More information can be found at the Half Moon Seminars website promoting the seminar here or by downloading the brochure here.

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