
How Texas’ Personal Injury Protection Protects You

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) automobile coverage in the state of Texas is a common insurance agreement in which the carrier will pay benefits to the policy holder because of “bodily injury resulting from a motor vehicle accident and sustained by a covered person.” Thus, helping someone financially who has been in a car accident that causes someone to be hurt is the general idea behind PIP benefits. Accidents have been strictly defined to be only those incidences directly relating to injuries coming as a result of the use of a motor vehicle. Those covered include the policy holder and any family member who was in or was struck by the vehicle.

The benefits entitled to an injured individual include reasonable expenses incurred for necessary medical and funeral services. PIP also includes the replacement of 80% of income lost during the period of disability up to the policy limits. PIP can also include, for those unemployed, expenses incurred for obtaining services that the covered person would have performed had they not been injured.

As a whole, PIP benefits relating to car accidents are pretty clear and supportive of policy holders. There are very few exclusions to PIP coverage except to remove from protection those accidents that are not related to driving a motor vehicle, i.e. breaking your ankle getting out of the car.

If your insurance company is rejectiong your PIP claim, call the Berniard Law Firm Toll-Free at 1-866-574-8005 to have your case looked into in order to get the benefits you deserve.

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