
New Product Safety commissioner pushed on Chinese drywall issue

Developments in Washington occurred this past week in the pursuit of having the government conclusively investigate and define the harm caused by Chinese drywall. While local officials have been pledging consistently to improve the matter, officials from the Gulf Coast brought before the Consumer Product Safety Commission a push for more to be done and a federal investigation to be carried out. Such an investigation would clear the way for relief money and possibly improve legal matters contingent on this matter.

Lesley Clark of the Miami Herald reports

Lawmakers from Florida and Louisiana Thursday pressed new Consumer Product Safety Commission chairman Inez Tenenbaum for answers to the Chinese drywall problem plaguing thousands of homeowners in their states.

Tenenbaum — who took over the agency in June — pledged to lawmakers that the agency will “vigorously pursue its investigation” into the cause and effect of the suspect drywall, which homeowners say is corroding metal pipes and making them ill.

She said the agency hopes to issue a report on indoor air quality and health assessments in homes with Chinese drywall in late October.

When that report comes out in late October, you can be sure it will be posted and discussed here.

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