
DePuy ASR Hip Recall Demonstrates Flaws in System; What to Do If Your Hip Implant Fails

The recall of DePuy ASR Hip implants by the company and its parent corporation Johnson & Johnson demonstrates a problem that has has raised the ire of watchdog groups for years. This device, designed to replace the failing hip of individuals across the United States, is merely one in a line of products that have been recalled by Johnson & Johnson this year and in the past decade. The orthopedics division, in particular, has been hit especially hard and extensive criticism has befallen CEO Bill Weldon.

When a company faces consistent problems with their sold goods, especially at the manufacturing stage, suits develop alleging product defect. As information has come out that indicates DePuy may have known of problems relating to their hip implant some three years ago in 2007 raises the legal assertion of negligence. Failing to notify the public that their product was causing problems has put many up in arms, and rightfully so. The amount of pain, suffering, lost time and emotional distress that undergoing revision surgery has caused patients who have the DePuy implant is significant.

Some are wondering just what can be done if their orthopedic device is failing. The first step that can be taken is to begin immediately documenting expenses related to the failed implant. Whether doctor appointments, prescriptions, travel expenses, etc., all of these records should be written down. Doing so can help you and your attorney while calculating your damages related to this matter. The courts will be in charge of calculating pain and suffering damages and other extraneous efforts you and your attorney may pursue but this is one specific and tangible way in which you can help your attorney best introduce your case.

There is a wealth of information relating to this matter on our blog in the section dedicated to the DePuy hip implant system available here. We hope that the resources on this blog will help you better understand the situation that has struck 1 in 8 recipients of this hip implant system and are more than willing to discuss legal rights and the matters surrounding it with anyone desiring more information.

The Berniard Law Firm has extensive experience working with individuals who have been harmed in a wide variety of ways. Our firm knows the variety of intricacies and issues relating to a product defect and how difficult it can be to prove a variety of damages. Contact our offices today for a free consultation and to go over the intricacies relating to a defective hip implant claim against DePuy and parent company Johnson & Johnson.

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