
Property versus Disaster Insurance – A Brief Explanation

The San Francisco Gate features an article that helpfully and articulately describes the difference between property and disaster insurance. Embedded within the article are links to other articles that help outline the grey area that can often exist on the issue. While this blog has tried to explain this in the past, every article an insurance policyholder in the Gulf Coast can read on the topic is worthwhile as recent years have shown insurance nightmares can easily spring up.


The key today, with so many options, is to first assess exactly what you need and then work with an insurance agent to figure out the best package: one that covers your most significant risks. It’s not an either/or scenario that you want, but a combination of policies that provides protection without duplicating coverage. It is common for business owners to fail to look closely at what is covered by their property insurance and buy another policy that covers many of the same risks. Conversely, many policyholders mistakenly assume disasters such as flooding are covered under one of their policies and don’t discover until they’re underwater that neither their property insurance nor their disaster insurance covers flooding.

The article in its entirety may be read here.

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