Annual Car Insurance Reviews Could Save You Plenty

Annually, it is recommended for anyone living in the Gulf Coast area to do a full inspection of their insurance coverage. While people are often meticulous with their car insurance and its coverage, home owners insurance can be a confusing and daunting set of documents to review and even understand. However, a solid review of your plan’s limits and extents will help you be prepared should damage come to your home.

Periodically reviewing your coverage helps guarantee you have the protection you need in the right areas. These reviews can coincide with the renewal of your insurance or at the time in which you purchase significant enhancements or items for your home that change its value. Reviewing can be as simple as re-reading the literature provided that summarizes your coverage but can, and should, also include a call to your insurance agent. Simply asking your agent to go over your homeowners, damage protection and other insurance provisions can help you get a concise and clear idea of what your insurance will protect you from.

Feel free to have a frank and honest conversation with your agent about if the coverage on your home is adequate or if it needs to be adjusted based upon the value of those things being protected. Such a conversation keeps you from finding out that your recent boat purchase or the deck improvement that increased your home’s value are not covered.

By reviewing your insurance coverage and talking with an agent, disputes that may arise should damage occur that you must make a claim on may be avoided.

In the event that your coverage value is not being met by your insurance agent and no satisfactory settlement is in sight, call the Berniard Law Firm at (504) 521-6000. The Berniard Law Firm will be happy to analyze your insurance claim and work with the law and the insurance company to get you the settlement you deserve.

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