A Hurricane Checklist To Make Sure You’re Prepared

The people of the Gulf Coast are well aware that hurricanes of all different intensities come and go through the region every summer. A Hurricane Checklist for anyone, whether you live in Houston, Galveston or Corpus Christi, Texas residents should have a list of things they do in the event of a hurricane.

One of those things involves having your insurance policy in duplicate, with one copy in a secure location and another in hand. With this preparation, delays in your policy claim can be prevented. Another thing to keep near in the event of a storm is a disposable camera. Just as car owners like to keep one in their glove compartment in the event of an accident, having a disposable camera to take immediate pictures of your damage can be another way to get your claim in as soon as possible.

A third thing to do to prepare for an insurance claim in the event of a natural disaster is to annually inspect your insurance coverage and even speak with an agent to review what damage you are and are not protected by. Such a review and conversation can help you know exactly what you are covered for and help you become more familiar with the language and/or agent involved with your insurance plan.

With talks that Gustav insured damage could total from $4 to $10 billion dollars, insurance claims from the state of Texas will be numerous and complicated. With Hurricanes Ike and Dolly also causing damage in the state, there are a lot of people reaching out to their insurance companies for their home damage.

In the event your claim is denied unfairly or compensation is less than you deserve, call the Berniard Law Firm Toll-Free at 504-521-6000 to have an attorney look at your case and help you with your post-hurricane recovery.

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